Terms of use

Legal Disclaimer: As the owner of the online store, you must publish the Terms and Conditions on your website. The document should define the relationship between the online store and the customer, explaining the refund and withdrawal policy. There are many templates and samples for Terms and Conditions online, just search for "Terms and Conditions sample". We strongly recommend seeking legal advice and modifying the template to suit your business needs.

The General Terms and Conditions of Service ("GTC") contain the general terms and conditions for the use of the webshop operated by Sumatra Fine Dining K.F.T. (registered office: Budapest Vértanuk terer1/2, tax number: 32020344-2-41, as a service provider ("Service Provider"). Please use our services only if you agree with all of its points and consider them binding for you. This document is not filed, is concluded in electronic form only (it does not constitute a written contract) and does not refer to a code of conduct. The GTC can be downloaded from the following link: Sumatra Restaurant Dunajská Streda (sumatra-restaurant.sk)

Service provider details:

A szolgáltató neve: Sumatra Fine Dining kft
A szolgáltató székhelye: Budapest Vértanuk tere 1/2
A szolgáltató elérhetősége, az igénybe vevőkkel való kapcsolattartásra szolgáló, rendszeresen használt elektronikus levelezési címe: manager@indonezianrestaurant.sk
Cégjegyzékszáma: 01-09-402992
Adószáma: 32020344-2-41
Nyilvántartásban bejegyző hatóság neve (cégbíróság): Budapest  
Telefonszámai: 00 421 903 713390    
Adatvédelmi nyilvántartási száma: [………]
Engedély száma: [………]
A szerződés nyelve: magyar 
A tárhely-szolgáltató adatai: webdone

Alapvető rendelkezések:

1.1. A jelen Szabályzatban nem szabályozott kérdésekre, valamint jelen Szabályzat értelmezésére a magyar jog az irányadó, különös tekintettel a Polgári Törvénykönyvről szóló 2013. évi V. törvény („Ptk.”) és az elektronikus kereskedelmi szolgáltatások, valamint az információs társadalommal összefüggő szolgáltatások egyes kérdéseiről szóló 2001. évi CVIII. törvény vonatkozó rendelkezéseire. A vonatkozó jogszabályok kötelező rendelkezései a felekre külön kikötés nélkül is irányadók.

1.2. Hatály, az ÁSZF módosítása.

1.3. A webshop, mint szerzői jogi mű szerzői jogi védelme, erre figyelemfelhívás.

1.4. Rendelkezésre állás.

Adatkezelési szabályok:

1.5. Utalni kell az adatvédelmi tájékoztató elérhetőségére, fel kell tüntetni az adatvédelmi nyilvántartási számot.

Products and services available for purchase

1.6 It must be indicated whether the products displayed can be purchased online only or in person. Whether the products include VAT. Do they include delivery charges or packaging charges.

1.7 In the webshop, the Service Provider shall provide details of the name of the product, its description and a photo of the products. The images displayed on the product data sheets may differ from the real product, in some cases they are used as illustrations.

1.8 If a special price is introduced, the Service Provider shall fully inform the Users of the duration of the special offer.

Ordering procedure


1.10. Possibilities to correct data entry errors (e.g. extra product, product deletion, price check, etc.)

1.11. Description of payment options, delivery methods

1.12. The service provider webshop is obliged to confirm the receipt of the user's order to the user by electronic means without delay. If this confirmation has not been received by the user within a reasonable period of time, depending on the nature of the service, but not later than 48 hours after the sending of the order by the user, the user is released from the obligation to make an offer or to enter into a contract. The parties may derogate from the above rules if they have so agreed.

Processing and execution of orders

1.13. When orders are processed 1.14. General time limit for performance, within x working days of confirmation. If the Service Provider and the User have not agreed on the time of execution, the Service Provider shall be obliged to execute the order in accordance with the contract within the time or date specified in the User's request, or in the absence of a request, within 30 days of the receipt of the order by the Service Provider at the latest.

1.15. If the Service Provider fails to fulfil its contractual obligations because the product specified in the contract is not available, it shall immediately inform the User thereof and refund the amount paid by the User without delay, but no later than within thirty days. The fulfilment of this obligation shall not relieve the Service Provider of any other consequences of its breach of contract.

*** Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ***

Right of withdrawal

1.16. Under the provisions of Government Decree 45/2014 (II.26.) on the detailed rules of contracts between consumers and businesses, the User may withdraw from the contract within 14 days of receipt of the ordered product without giving any reason, and return the ordered product.

1.17. The procedure for exercising the right of withdrawal [.........] (when the customer can exercise it, when not, the online store will refund the price immediately, but within 14 days at the latest, exceptions, etc.)

Warranty, guarantee

1.18. Our products [.........] are guaranteed for one month. In the event of a breakdown, you will be informed in person or by telephone at any of the service centres listed in the warranty letter, or you can contact us at one of our contact details. See also: Government Decree 151/2003. 151.1.

Complaints handling

1.19. The webshop must inform the consumer of its registered office, the place where complaints can be lodged, if it is not the same as the place of distribution or sale, and the method adapted to the specific nature of the activity, commercial form or method, as well as the mailing address and, if complaints are received in this way, the e-mail address and Internet address and telephone number of the business or the business's customer service department for the purpose of communicating complaints.

Miscellaneous provisions

1.20. The Service Provider and the User shall try to settle their disputes amicably. The User and the Service Provider agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the Budapest Court of Justice for any disputes within the scope of these Terms and Conditions that cannot be settled by agreement within 30 (thirty) calendar days. City